相信大家在实际的业务操作过程中,和货代打交道会遇到很多运输专业术语,大部分只有个缩写,让人费解,现在小编把这些缩写总结下来,分享给大家:提单及运输业务相关advanced b/l 预借提单ante-dated b/l 倒签提单awb(air way bill)空运单baf(bunker adjustment factor)燃 [更新时间:2024-11-29]
advanced b/l 预借提单
ante-dated b/l 倒签提单
awb(air way bill)空运单
baf(bunker adjustment factor)燃油附加费
b.b. clause (both to blame collision clause)船舶互撞责任条款
bearer b/l 不记名提单
b/l(bill of lading)提单
bmf(board measurement foot)原木或木板体积的计量单位
b/n(booking note)(托运人交给承运人或其代理的)订舱单
b.s(bunder surcharge)与baf相同
bs/l(bills of lading)复式提单、联合运输提单
b.t(berth terms)班轮条件
bulky charge 超重或超长费
caf(currency adjustment factor)货币贬值附加费
ccvo(combined certificate of value and origin)估价和原产地联合证明书亦称“海关发票”
cfd collect(cf destination collect)运费在目的地收取
cfs(container freight station)集装箱货运站
cfso(container freight station original)与cfs相同
cfsr(container freight station railway station)运费在集装箱装入火车时收讫
charter b/l租船提单
clean b/l清洁提单
c/o(ceitificate of origin)产地证
c/o(care of)由某公司转交某公司
coc(certificate of conformity)产品相符证明书
consignee 收货人
copy b/l副本提单
c.s(currency surchaige)与caf相同
csc(container service charge)集装箱服务费
ctn no.(carton number)货箱流水号
cy(container yard)集装箱堆场
d/d(door to door)门对门
despatch money速遣费
destination bills (在目的地签发的)目的地提单
direct b/l 直运提单
d/n(delivery note)(托运人或卖方签发的)交货明细单
d/o(delivery order)提货单、小提单
d/r(dock receipt)(卖方将货运至码头仓库后)存货收据
ecb(express cargo bill)快运单
ectn(electric cargo tracking note)电子货物跟踪单
fcl(full container load)(集装箱)整箱货
fcr(forwarders certificate of receipt)货代签发的货物收讫证明
f.i(free in)船方不承担装船费用
f.i.o(free in and out)船方不承担装卸费用
f.i.o.s(free in, out and stowed)船方不承担装卸费及理舱费用
f.o(free out) 船方不承担卸船费用
foul b/l不清洁提单
freight collect运费到付
freight prepaid 运费付讫
gross terms 与 berth terms 相同
hawb(house waybill)(空运中的)分运单
h.c(handling changes)搬运费
h/h(house to house)户至户
h/p(house to pier)户到港
hbl(house bill of lading)货代签发的提单
h.s.code(hormonized system code)海关商品编码
iec code(importer exporter code)印度进出口商的海关代码
irc no.(import registration certificate no.)进口许可证号码
kdf packing(knock down flat packing)可折叠式纸箱
lash(lighter aboard ship)子母船
launch hire交通艇租用费
l/i(letter of indemnity)赔偿保证书
lift-off charges集装箱在堆场吊离拖车的费用
lift-on charges 集装箱在堆场吊上拖车的费用
line handing 带缆解缆费用
liner b/l班轮提单